291 Reynolds Street

This property has frontage on Reynolds Street and Allan Street and is approximately three acres in size. The vision for the site is the construction of a seniors-oriented housing development that will see the refurbishment and preservation of the former Oakville-Trafalgar High School building, along with the creation of a new civic square. Any redevelopment of the site must give consideration to the heritage characteristics of the former Oakville-Trafalgar High School building and the surrounding neighbourhood, which is part of the Trafalgar Road Heritage Conservation District. To the north of the property is a new residential block and a new park and community centre. There is also an existing parking structure immediately to the north of the site, while the Wyndham Manor Long Term Care Centre is south and adjacent to the property.

The town has created a Master Plan for the site, which was approved in June 2017 and reserves this site for seniors-oriented housing only. The Official Plan designates the property as Medium Density – Residential and restricts the height of any development to four storeys. There is no pre-determined layout, built form, provider or assumed density for the area identified as the Seniors Block in the Master Plan and the development could be delivered as either an independent living project, assisted living, or a combination thereof.

The former Oakville High School building is located on this site and is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. This building will require substantial renovations however, the building could be used for a variety of initiatives, being accessory and/or complementary to the adjacent seniors development. It is home to a colony of chimney swifts which are designated as a threatened species under provincial and federal legislation. Town approval of a heritage permit and a technical review and documentation prepared to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, regarding the alterations to the chimneys and the maintenance or replacement of the chimney swift habitat will be required.

Parties interested in this Downtown redevelopment opportunity should contact the OakvilleMDC for further information.